How Does The Australian Education System Work?
The Australian education system is rather good, and it scores very well in education league tables across the developed world. Australian students perform at an above-average level when compared with the international community. Different states vary in their results, but on average the country is doing rather well, and the Australian national curriculum is helping to continually raise standards and work towards ending inconsistencies from state to state.
The options for a relocating family
A relocating family has a few options when it comes to education. This is true in both the private and state sector. There are over seven thousand state schools, and just under two thousand independent schools in Australia. There is also the option of home schooling.
There is a comparable database of schools in Australia.
A new online resource has been introduced that gives transparent information about schools in Australia. It was introduced in 2010 and is called, “My School.” It shows things such as the results of literacy, numeracy and standard tests. “My School” is the first nationally-comparable data source representing all schools in Australia.
Children should undergo twelve years of compulsory education
A child's education should start with a preparatory year, also known as kindergarten, and a child should attend at around five or six. Once completed, it is Australian law that a child should complete twelve years of compulsory education. This gives children the opportunity to study for a government-endorsed certificate, which is recognized by higher education (allowing a child to then take higher education).
College and University is important
Once twelve years of education is over, a child may apply for higher education. If a child arrives from the USA or Europe, then a child may be asked to repeat a year until he or she is as old as the other children in the final year. When going to college or University, it is all about getting assignments done, and studying for final exams. These qualifications then give students the opportunity to work in higher paying and more advanced jobs where certain qualifications are mandatory by law. Without those qualifications, a person is not allowed to do the job.
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